Gian's Portfolio


As a creative and a current multimedia student, I have acquired the following general skills below:

  • Graphic Design
  • Packaging Design
  • Typography
  • Video Editing
  • Digital Illustrtion

Softwares I use:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrations
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Canva
  • ibis Paint X


Graphic Design:

environmental-collage log-cabin exhibit-reverie
Industrial Revolution (2023) Log Cabin Maple Syrup in Punk Rock (2023) Lifetime (2023)

Social Media Collaterals:

2-days 1-day faqs
LasallianCon Student Bazaar Countdown (BCSI, 2025) Student Organization Awards and Recognition (BCSI, 2024) LasallianCon Student Bazaar FAQs (BCSI, 2023)


yiel sophia jo-malone
Feminism Lens feat. Yiel (2024) When Bruce Met Hannah feat. Sophia (2024) Jo Malone - Wood Sage & Sea Salt (2025)

Vector Illustration:

lipay-logo hana-logo punch-logo
Rebranded logo of Lipay Mundo Co. (2024) HANA (2024) Brandbook Logo (2025)